Friday, December 7, 2007

Lute out for year

It has been reported by “sources” that Lute will be out for the remainder for the season. This is the part where I link you to the article but StarNet decided that everyone has to register in order to view articles on their website. I think it’s a ploy for more people to be registered on their site to engage in the constant flame wars in the news articles comment sections. It’s the dumbest thing since… blogs! Tangent aside, this effectively eliminates concern number 5 so I find myself needing to come up with something else.

New number 5: The real reason Lute is out is that he violated an “unspecified” team policy. As this is a team issue, there will be no disclosure as to what the violation was but he will not suit up nor travel with the team.

Now it’s official: Take that, StarNet.

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